IFTA Fuel Tax Software

IFTA Fuel Tax Software is software meant to assist owner operating trucking companies between Canada and the United States to differentiate gas prices in different places depending on location. With there being 48 states and 10 provinces in Canada, knowing prices of certain locations owners can plan out how much and where the load is to go. For years, building to now you could almost expect some type of technology advancement that could help truck drivers dispose of logbooks. Reason it never came to thought before surprises me IFTA could be the next landmark software to make a difference in short time.

This is why IFTA was formed the fuel tax software will keep you up-to-date on the current gas prices around the country and in parts of Canada. Owners just need to pick and differentiate which software best fit their company.

IFTA software can be used from any location. Can be used in an office or if you are a homebody you can use in from the heart of your own room. Software comes with a manual that will explain everything to you from beginning to end. Users of the software pay for the program once a month like all the other software from the company. With the internet being the resource to everything owners can now look into further options to help revive the up hill battle of the economy and I hope find solutions for the cost in fuel.

Many software for fuel have come in high demand over past couple years. With the economy declining and as many tractor-trailer companies are shutting down the IFTA tax software to leviate taxes could be the last hope for many owners. What will the system bring to you? First you can verify each completed load successful, you can view and print out statements of profit and loss, get control on how many miles your truck is going, and why wait now you can get started with the software for the minimum price of $.50.

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Work From Home As a Social Media Manager

This is the era of social networking and business owners are turning towards social network as a medium of advertisement. Businesses are nowadays being forced into Facebook and Twitter as they know that’s where the customers are. According to survey and research reports, it has been stated that the highest ROI can be made from investment in social media. It has even been stated that social media is the true and efficient media now and there is much more to it. The show has just begun and there is much more to be expected from technology.

The increasing need for social media managers has placed the focus of several people on this job opportunity. When the businesses are rushing to make their presence on Facebook and Twitter, they realize the need for staff to handle their social networking profiles. The amount of learning required to become a social media manager is very minor when compared to the profit that you can earn from this. All that is required is good digital talent and experience in using social media networks. You can find enough help from several job search programs like paid Social Media Jobs. This will guide you through the several job openings like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google +.

The companies prefer to hire social media managers on a home job basis. This is because a few hours in a week is more than enough to keep a constant monitoring on the profile, updating images, status and uploading videos. For some top notch companies, it might be a daily affair, but will not take more than an hour or two. The companies do not want to hire full time employees and pay them huge salaries and benefits. By outsourcing the job, they can even save on the infrastructure.

This is also advantageous for the employee as he can work comfortably from the home and schedule his time according to this wish. It is a good way for anyone to say goodbye to the 9-to-5 merry-go-round that has led them nowhere. You can also work for several companies at a time, making the maximum possible profit. The qualification that most companies look for is the ability to create and manage Facebook and Twitter business pages. These social media jobs pay very well and you have many options with the multitude of offers out there. No matter what your particular interest or area of expertise, you could find something you enjoy doing and actually get paid for it.

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Mobile Marketing: A New Advertising Platform = A New Opportunity for Growth?

By embracing mobile marketing you can expect 80% more clicks to your site, as 4.2m UK consumers visit company sites via mobile phones every month! Needless to say, only 4/20 of the most frequently visited retailer websites are optimised for mobile (including tablets) so make sure you avoid this pitfall asap!

What are my options content-wise?

As well as a standard text message, why not up your interactivity? Engage with customers; give them a reason to open your message. Text options include:

  • Games – either a mini game via an App or a link to the game on your site
  • Interactive voice response – then they will really take note!
  • Viral – is your message so current and fun that it just needs to be shared? Include a video if possible, as well as a link to ‘share’ to Facebook walls, email addresses, etc.
  • Location marketing – if you’re customers come within 100m of your shop – Bluetooth them an incentive to visit, e.g. 10% off drinks at your bar
  • Applications – lets you communicate more about your brand than a single line of text
  • Compliment your other campaigns – it can support and email campaign you’ve launched or an advert you’ve created
  • Creating the image – particularly if your target audience are young, appearing in-the-know with technology will earn you brownie points with your customers


  • More responses compared to traditional methods – it’s the new Direct Mail on the block and if they want to act upon your message they can do it immediately
  • Personalisation – similarly to email, once your customer data is stored you can add their name and product preferences, purchasing behaviour, etc to any message you send. This can mean sending 4/5 versions of the same message depending on your customer base
  • Immediate -for rapid campaign response this is the winner. And you thought email was fast!
  • Opportunities for mobile database development – receivers can update their preferences on the go. Think about how many times you’ve got a text/email and thought “I must to that later”, then forgot. Problem solved.
  • Opportunities for ‘Location Marketing’ – when H&M opened their newest Newcastle store, they texted all contacts in their database that lived within 20miles of the city centre informing them of a 20% discount on the launch day. Could you do something similar?
  • Cost effective delivery – 10p to pretty much guarantee your message reaches your customer? Bargain. There are loads of good business deals at network providers so it pays to shop around for a good deal

Who are you targeting?

Social Connectors – 22% of mobile owners use their phone to bridge them to the social world

Pragmatic Adopters – 22% of mobile owners are learning about the functional capabilities and what they can do with their mobile phone other than say ‘hello’.

Basic Planners – 20% of mobile phone owners use their phone just for the basic communication, e.g. call and text

Mobirati – 19% of mobile phone users are known as the ‘mobile generation’ and cannot imagine life without a phone!

Mobile Professionals – 17% of mobile phone owners who are more likely to own a smart phone and use it for both business and personal use. They see their mobile as an all in one device for communication and information.

One Iota data revealed that mobile phone users said that “adverts that offered bargains, a game or free app were the most popular ways to encourage their response”.

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How to Backup Wii Games For Endless Hours of Fun

We know that the Wii has attracted many casual gamers into the gaming world, and that for many of you, making backup Wii games is a completely foreign concept. Were here to showcase the ease with which Wii backups can be made, and to highlight the tools and steps you’ll need to take to make to do so.

Nintendo’s consoles are known for being a little quirky when it comes to making backups of their games, and incompatibility with different computer DVD drives is fairly high. While there’s no definitive list of which drives do and do not work, it’s a generally accepted fact that LG DVD drives are one of the few drives which consistently work to make fully functioning backup Wii games. As such, you may wish to purchase an LG drive if you don’t already have one. You can certainly go ahead and test out your existing drive first, but judging by the experiences of many others, you’re unlikely to have good results without an LG drive.

Before you’re ready to put your LG or other drive to the test, you first need to choose a game copying program to use. This isn’t quite as important for the dumping of the image file, but is greatly important for burning the image file to a new disc. There are several good game copying software programs which we’ve reviewed elsewhere on the site, including game copy pro, game copy wizard, and copy that game.

With program and drive ready for action, insert your Wii game disc into your drive and open up your game copying program. You’ll be presented with several options. Choose to write image file from disc, or the similar sounding option of your chosen program. The program will then begin to dump the game file, which simply means its making a copy of the file. This file will show up as gamename.iso in the specified location when its complete, which should take a couple hours.

Before burning this file, right click it and select to view properties. Like the Nintendo Gamecube before it, all Wii games have the exact same file size, and this should be reflected in your dumped file. For the Wii, the file size should show 4.37 GB (4,699,979,776 bytes). If your.iso file does not show this file size, its likely that your dump was not successful, which could be the result of using an incompatible drive, or poor game copying software.

If the dump was seemingly successful, you’re ready to move onto the final step, which is burning the newly created image file to a disc. Insert a blank DVD into your drive, open your game copying software up, and choose write image file to disc. Before beginning the operation, we recommend choosing a slow burn speed, as Nintendo consoles are notoriously finicky about playing games that have been burned at high speeds. The burning wont take nearly as long as the dumping, after which you’ll be ready to test out your game.

We hope we’ve shown how to backup Wii games in a simple manner, as it really isn’t all that hard. By backing up your games you don’t have to worry about them getting damaged or lost. Now if only we could freely backup our Wii Remotes.

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